
Ankur A3 avatar image
Ankur A3 asked Jeanette F commented

Experimenter status?

Hi Team,

I am trying to gather results using experimenter but facing issues as below:


It runs fine initially until I am available at my desk but when I checked after long time it shows the status as above. Based on the legends, it's showing as submitted. It has not gathered any results.

Facing same issue every time.

I am trying to understand what does it mean?

It will be helpful if you can explain the meaning of proposed, submitted and recorded.

Thank you!

FlexSim 23.2.2
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
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Jordan Johnson answered

Proposed: tasks that exist as configured by a job, but that have not been added to the database yet. If you change something about a proposed task, it just becomes a different proposed task. The previous task is lost.

Submitted: tasks that have been submitted by that job at any point in its history. When you run an Experiment job, it submits all its tasks for execution. If you have 500 tasks in an Experiment job, you'll see all 500 become "submitted" as they wait to be processed.

Recording: When a replication finishes processing all its events, the task is set to "recording". During this phase, the child process gathers all the results and transmits them to the main process. The main process then records all those results in the database. Only once that process is complete is the task marked as "complete".

In your case, it sounds like the process that runs the task crashes. Try this:

  1. Close any 3D views.
  2. Hover over the submitted task and click the magnifying glass button. Confirm that you want to apply the scenario and replication to your model.
  3. Set the run speed to "max"
  4. Run the model, waiting for it to finish

This closely recreates the environment of a child process. If FlexSim crashes, you can likely find the issue. If you get stuck, or if FlexSim only crashes during an experiment, please post a model so we can assist you further.

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