
Amy avatar image
Amy asked Kavika F commented

Designing Patient Flow Simulation for Inpatient Care

I understand how to simulate the patient flow for outpatient visits where patients come to the hospital, receive treatment, and then leave. However, I'm not sure how to design the patient flow for hospitalized inpatients because they remain within the hospital as they are transferred between wards and departments. Can you give me some advice?

I'm also wondering if, for hospitalized inpatients, we need to input the admission and discharge dates/timestamps into the simulation program to accurately represent their admission and discharge processes. Do we need to create labels for each patient indicating their departure location, destination, admission time, discharge time, and so on, to reflect their details in the simulation?

FlexSim 21.2.4
patient flowpatient labelsinpatient
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1 Answer

Kavika F avatar image
Kavika F answered Kavika F commented

Hey @Amy, with regards to your first question on handling inpatients moving between wards/departments, patients in the healthcare environment are generally represented through Process Flow tokens that flow through a set of steps they take while in the facility. Two ways to model them that come to mind are to either (1) move the token that represents that patient to a separate section of your Process Flow that represents that ward/department, or (2) you can spawn another token in that separate section of Process Flow that represents that patient.

Regarding your second question, I think you're going about it in the right way. It's a good practice to keep track of the statistics you want to track, and labels are a great way to do that. You can also make a statistics collector to gather specific data you want.

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