
Eduardo avatar image
Eduardo asked Eduardo commented

Integrating MTBF/MTTR Time Tables for Maintenance: Addressing Overlapping Events

Hi, I am building a maintenance model with the tollbox (MTBF MTTR/time tables) but I have a problem with the construction of scheduled maintenance, I am using the time tables for it. The drawback is that the times in the time table and the MTTR repair time intersect, these events occur at the same time, what I want is that when there is an MTTR no event occurs (time tables) and vice versa, when there is scheduled maintenance (time tables) a break down does not occur (MTBF MTTR). Since I am performing calculations in the on break down on repair (MTBFMTTR) and on down on resume (time table) of the toolbox. Or how can I propose a model similar to the one I want to make?

I would greatly appreciate your help.

FlexSim 23.2.3
mtbf mttrbreakdownmaintenancescheduled down
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
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Jordan Johnson answered Eduardo commented

I think you could work around this using the Breakdowns tab on the MTBF/MTTR table:


Basically, you can make it so only the states you choose contribute to the MTBF time. So the machine won't break down while it's idle or in scheduled_maintenance.

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