
Joey A avatar image
Joey A asked Jason Lightfoot commented

Why is conditional decide not working


I'm trying to control an AGV with a decide instead of the list that comes with the template (this can be a long story but please roll with it :) ). I believe I've set up my "Loading_Work_Exists" decide in the main control loop correctly. However, the tokens are passing the test when clearly the conditions aren't being met.

Do you know why this is happening?

thank you!

AGT Simulation 7 create tokens.fsm

FlexSim 23.0.5
listsconditional decidelist statistics
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot commented

First of all the condition can't have the word AND in it - you should use && instead.

Then you're using List("IB Staging to AGV Queue") but that creates a reference to a global list - while the one in your process flow is local.

I would instead try to pull from the list with a timeout so that if there are no entries the token does your loop and if there are entries - you have another decison that checks if"ControlPoint1".

Now whether you should be doing any of this is another discussion - but in relation to the decison activity that will probably be the easiest way to implement what you seem to be trying.


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Joey A avatar image Joey A commented ·

Thank you! I was able to get this to work. I went back to my old model and made the changes. I avoided your approach because I couldn't figure out how to get 2 pallets loaded onto an AGV without multiple tokens being connected to a single pallet in the 3d model. the problem came from only 1 AGV token pulling from the work list.

At a high level, how would you go about doing this instead of the way i set it up?

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦ Joey A commented ·
I think I'd prefer an approach where the station defines the oeprations logic of what to do when an AGV arrives, and rather than have it defined centrally by routing logic of the AGV (which is essentially all the process flow should do).
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