
mni_pei avatar image
mni_pei asked Jeanette F commented

How to solve deadlock problem?

I have set up a model with several AGVs.

During traveling, two of AGVs will always deadlock on the one road.

In this case, I want to preempt both AGVs to stop at their current control point. Then restore one of the AGVs first (maybe let the AGV move to the next two control points.), and then restore the second AGV after the first restored AGV leaves the area.


So I decided to use Process Flow to accomplish this.


But I don't know how to write my idea into code...

Can anyone help me complete this?


FlexSim 23.2.1
agv deadlockonallocationfail
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deadlock.fsm (70.6 KiB)
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1 Answer

Kavika F avatar image
Kavika F answered

Hey @mni_pei, there's a section in the documentation that talks about preventing deadlocks in an AGV network. Your problem specifically occurs because of all the two-way paths. When an AGV is trying to route somewhere, it will choose the shortest path, which may be backwards. If you have another AGV right behind it (which is guaranteed in your model because they all start at the source of boxes), then you will get a deadlock.

I recommend restructuring your model to only use 1-way paths OR to increase the max-allocations at the Control Points so you can have multiple AGVs at one station and they can pass through each other.

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