
Yu S avatar image
Yu S asked Yu S commented

how to deal with AGV deadlock

I have set up a model with two AGVs that are supposed to transfer boxes to different sinks according to box label.i set this model with a dispatcher rather than AGV groups. Unfortunately the model works well at the beginning but it seems to not work as expected after a while due to a deadlock error.

I want to know if i can make agv stay at a certain control point for a few seconds to avoid deadlock by formulating rules?Or simply, is there any other way to solve this problem even i increase the number of agvs(4-6agvs)?

Sorry for my poor English and model building skills

Thank you !


FlexSim 19.0.0
agvflexsim 19.0.0agv networkagv deadlock
agv.png (32.9 KiB)
deadlock.fsm (79.9 KiB)
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1 Answer

David Seo avatar image
David Seo answered Yu S commented

@Yu S

Two task executers collide with bi-direction moving like one-way collision on the common pass line. You should design the common pass line as one-way direction not two-way direction.

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