
gust-flex avatar image
gust-flex asked Felix Möhlmann commented

Create a source only if item leaves a specific slot


I'm trying to create a source only if an item leaves the third level. Or if it is possible with slotnr/baynr it will work for me too.


Can anyone help?

FlexSim 23.2.1
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered gust-flex commented

Listen to the "On Slot Exit" event in an Event-Triggered Source and specify the level ID which the slot must have in order for a token to be created. Then create an item with that token in Process Flow.
(You can assign the exiting item to a label on the token to copy its label and possibly assign them to a new item later. And what you show in your screenshot is technically the 4th level - the 1st level is on the ground.)


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