
Trex avatar image
Trex asked Trex commented

Items allocation to the Rack

I have plenty of items from warehouse tagged different individual item names. These item names have similar tags in the individual cell of rack.

These items are generated from source through arrival sequence. I want my items to be always available in the rack.

Can you help me to allocate them to desired cells in a rack by using table.

@Jörg Vogel

@Marco Baccalaro

FlexSim 17.0.5
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Trex commented

And you are sure you want a table. I would prefer a list which consists of the tag name, the bay and level. Then I would query the list for the matching tag name and get the bay and level. This information is used in the functions place in bay and place in level.

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