
Vijay Sangrulkar avatar image
Vijay Sangrulkar asked Vijay Sangrulkar commented

Error - Create TS is not a valid dispatcher

Wait_Error01.PNGWait_Error02.PNGI am trying to build small process flow to wait Tugger at CP. Logic shown in image is working perfectly for 1st Tugger (green) but giving error for 2nd tugger (black) - Create TS is not a valid dispatcher.....anyone come across this issue

FlexSim 24.1.0
task executer
wait-error01.png (225.6 KiB)
wait-error02.png (166.9 KiB)
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1 Answer

Kavika F avatar image
Kavika F answered Vijay Sangrulkar commented

Hey @Vijay Sangrulkar, I got that error message when my "Task Executer / Dispatcher" field is "None".


Did you make sure to set the correct value for both Create TS activities?

1712682160274.png (12.9 KiB)
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Vijay Sangrulkar avatar image Vijay Sangrulkar commented ·
If you see my second image - that filled is having value as token.taskExecuter...
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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann Vijay Sangrulkar commented ·
If the label is pointing to a task executer then the activity should work. Maybe you selected a different CP in the "Wait for Event" activity and forgot to reapply the label assignment?
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Kavika F avatar image Kavika F ♦ Vijay Sangrulkar commented ·
It would be helpful if you posted a model instead of two limited screenshots. I can't really assume what else is going on in your model based on these images.
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Vijay Sangrulkar avatar image Vijay Sangrulkar Kavika F ♦ commented ·
Sure - I will create dummy model and post here
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Vijay Sangrulkar avatar image Vijay Sangrulkar commented ·

Model is working well now.....nothing wrong in the process flow

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