
Anna LeBlanc avatar image
Anna LeBlanc asked Jeanette F commented

Clear an excel cell range before export

I have try to follow the steps of a query posted some months ago on the forum, however, I haven't been able to get it. My goal is to delete a range of the excel sheet before exporting the data. In the following image can be seen what I want to delete:1713539865313.png

I have try to make it using the Custom Export on FlexSim but I haven't succeeded. Please can anybody help me with the code for making this possible? For making easier the answer I have upload a sample file with the model and the excel file.



FlexSim 23.1.0
excelexportclear excel
1713539865313.png (208.4 KiB)
test.fsm (67.1 KiB)
exporting.xlsx (11.6 KiB)
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Anna LeBlanc commented

You can do a table query over your currently available data. In section of select you parse column names you want to keep and order. The result will be a new temporary table. This can you cloneTo another global table for export.

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