
Delano avatar image
Delano asked Jeanette F commented

How to set object flow

Hi all Flexsim Senior,

I have 3 processor (A,B1,B2), the processor can only process 1 obect at the same time. how to set the exit object from A the first 3 object in sequence will go to B1, the after 4 object in sequence will go to B2, and so on. 3 to B1, 4 to B2, 3 to B1, 4 to B2 ....

FlexSim 18.1.2
move objectobject process flowobject labels
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1 Answer

Xavier Low avatar image
Xavier Low answered Xavier Low commented


Based on your description, I have created a simple model, with Processor A having two outputs to Processor B1 and Processor B2.


In the properties of Processor A, I set the Send to Port logic to Conditional Port, with the condition as follows:


  1. current.stats.output.value % 7 < 3

What this condition does is that it will take the value of Processor A's output, modulo by 7 (getting the remainder of the division), and check if the remainder value is less than 3:

  • If the remainder value is less than 3, send the object to port 1 (Processor B1), else
  • Send the object to port 2 (Processor B2)

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