
Adil M avatar image
Adil M asked Jeanette F commented

How to delete CAD file from flexsim model?


I wanted to know if there was a way of deleting a CAD file from the Flexsim file?

I wanted to change the CAD file being used, but when I removed the old CAD file using ;Toolbar->Model Background-> Model Background1 -> Delete; and uploaded a new CAD file. It seems that the file size on my Flexsim file increased as if the older version was still stored somewhere on the Flexsim file. The Simulaiton_3 has the new CAD file but is much larger then the Simulaiton_2 file for some reason, despite the newer CAD file being smaller than the previous CAD file1714059242028.png

FlexSim 24.0.2
model layoutautocad backgroundcad files
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered

You can uncheck the embedded media option in model settings and save the model again, or you can remove the associated node from Model>packedmedia.

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