
Katherine Lourie avatar image
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Katherine Lourie asked Stella commented

Two model layouts in one model file for an experiment?

Is it possible to have two different model layouts (different physical arrangement but same patients, schedule and tracks) on one model file so I can select "model layout" as a changed variable in an experiment? If so, how do I do this?

FlexSim 16.0.1
FlexSim HC 5.0.12
flexsim hcexperimentmodel layoutexperiment variable
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Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Matthew Gillespie commented

Yes, you can definitely do this.

Attached is an example model where I have 2 layouts - A side-by-side layout for working and a stacked layout for display.

You can find the Model Layouts tool in the View menu:

Which will bring up this window:

Add a layout, move all the objects to their desired locations and then click set to save the positions of all objects. Add another layout move the objects to a second set of desired locations and then click set again. Now you have two different layouts you can switch between.

sidebyside.png (151.9 KiB)
stacked.png (189.1 KiB)
layouts.png (31.6 KiB)
layoutwindow.png (2.2 KiB)
layoutsexample.fsm (158.8 KiB)
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Lou Keller avatar image
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Lou Keller answered Stella commented

I really should read all of the entries in "Answers" more often! Just for kicks, because I just read this 16 June entry, I've attached an alternative solution to the problem. In the attached model, there are 3 basic patient tracks and three identical patient tracks used in two side-by-side models of the same process but executed in different layouts. dual-floor-plan-model.fsm The purpose of the dual model is to demonstrate in a single run, the effect of two different layouts on the same identical patient stream, identical staffing, and patient care process. It was created by altering key names and identities of a primary model and then importing that model into its own model space and editing the remainder of the new layout. In this case, note that the primary model - on the left - has the MRI facility located on the first floor next to the clinic whereas the second layout has the MRI located on the second floor. The purpose of the model was to determine and show in a single dashboard what the net effect on things like Patient Length of Stay and staffing utilization would be of re-positioning the MRI on the second floor. The same staff members in the two different settings are reflected in the single dashboard by the prefix "A." Also note that both models reflect all 6 severity indices.

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