
Punsara Hettiarachchi avatar image
Punsara Hettiarachchi asked Punsara Hettiarachchi commented

Rubber product manufacturing simulation

The issue I am facing is understanding fundementals, So, in this kind of production I have to put raw materials as Kilo grams or tons, then add chemicals in volumes but the after processing output will be in units. So, how do I simulate this or start doing this. Please let me know if there is tutorial or something I can refer. I don't have access to text book as I cannot afford it.


FlexSim 24.1.0
simulationsmass flow
· 2
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered

You can start with object of Fluid library. At the end of a fluid process you let exit your volume per time units into items by object Fluid to Item.

You find then objects in Fixed Resource library.

5 |100000

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