
Josué Islas avatar image
Josué Islas asked Josué Islas commented

Assigning input queues to taskexecutors & displaying items in output queues

Cross-Docking-Case1-Processflow v2.12.fsmNice day, I have two questions about my model:

1) How can I assign taskexecutors to collect elements from a queue (Input 1 to 4) that is unoccupied and not waste time piling more than 1 taskexecutor into a single queue?

2) once the task executer delivers the item to be taken to the queues (Output 1 to 4), I see it disappear in the simulation, how can I make it appear in the output queue?

FlexSim 23.2.1
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Josué Islas commented

1) One possibility would be to acquire the input queue first, so only a single TE can take on work from an input queue at a time.


A more complex option would be to keep track of how many TEs are currently 'assigned' to any of the intput queues and using this information when acquiring the TEs to give priority to tasks that originate at queues with fewer assignments.


2) The "Show Contents" (see "More Visuals" button) is disabled on the template output queue. Reactivate it to show the pallets in the output queues.

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