
flexsimuser0801 avatar image
flexsimuser0801 asked flexsimuser0801 edited

No valid path found AGV network

I get errors saying that there is no valid path towards the pickup point (bottom). However, there are plenty in this example. The purple parts only allow empty AGVs. This is a modified version of Anthony Johnson its Kiva Network. Hereby the file: Kiva-attempt.fsm


FlexSim 24.0.0
agvagvpathkivathe routes of kiva
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1 Answer

Patrick Zweekhorst avatar image
Patrick Zweekhorst answered flexsimuser0801 commented

Hi @Flexsimuser0801 ,

It looks there there a small problem with the conditions on the paths. The control point is on the cross point of two paths, where one path has a condition that the AGV needs to empty. The control point where the AGV picks up the item seems to be on that path. So the AGV can't leave.
I don't know how Anthony did it in this model but I would make the path with the constraints a little bit smaller, like this:


Maybe this is not needed, but it is how I would solve it for now.

Good luck!

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flexsimuser0801 avatar image flexsimuser0801 commented ·

Hi Patrick, this partially solved my problem. I have still some issues in the middle part of my layout but I don't find any error. kiva-attempt2.fsm


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