
Yao H2 avatar image
Yao H2 asked Jason Lightfoot commented

Control points detached from AGV paths after reset

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to programmatically create some agv paths for a rack system but run into some challenges: I did call "finalizeSpatialChanges" for each of my control points created in the scripts. and they showed up to be attached to the agv paths after running the scripts.


But after I reset the model, the control points will no longer be attached on the agv paths.


Any ideas about what is missing? Thank you very much for the help. Here is a demo model: RackDemo_customCodes.fsm

FlexSim 22.1.2
agvagvpathcontrol points
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot commented

If you right click on the nework and choose refresh path links it seems to prevent them from detaching.


However there's a bigger question around why you need this netwrok - maybe there's a better way to model access to the bay/levels/slots in the rack. If you describe what you're trying to do we may have a better suggestion.

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