
Abhay Bajpai avatar image
Abhay Bajpai asked Jeanette F commented

Change a flow item to a different flow item (in processor or process flow)

Cabinet Assembly Simulation_14_autosave_5.fsm

Every token created, has a label called "CabinetType_ForToken". It just represents what type of cabinet it is (pantry or base or overhead).

I have also designed some cabinets and uploaded them in the Flow Item Bin.


I would like for the Process Flow or Processor to reference the label "CabinetType_ForToken" of the token and convert the visual into one of the Flowitem Bin circled above. I tried using "Change Visual" in Process Flow but it only allows 'by case' for changing colors not the entire flowitem altogether.

FlexSim 24.0.2
change visual
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1 Answer

Paula LG avatar image
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Paula LG answered Felix Möhlmann commented


In order to change the flow item shape you need to use a Custom Code activity and select Visual → Change 3D Shape.


However, it has no predefined option to choose the destination shape conditionally, so you'll have to edit the code manually and add as many if clauses as values your label can have. Let me know if you need help doing that.

I hope it helps!

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