
Martin avatar image
Martin asked Martin commented

Gravity flow rack enforce putaway and pick on the correct side


Is there a way with the gravity flow rack to ensure that transporters load and unload on the correct side based on the pick face? I thought it was supposed to work this way, but I find it doesn't always. It seems to be influenced by the most convenient path (using A*) and sometimes travels down the wrong side of the rack for its load or unload.



FlexSim 24.1.0
gravity flowrack
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Martin commented

I don't think there is any automated way for doing so. You'd have to manually control where the TE travels before the load task is given.

Based on a reference to the item, you can get the coordinates of the slot's faces with the code below and then use them in a "Travel to Loc" task, for example.

Object item = ...;
Storage.Slot slot = Storage.Item(item).as(Storage.Item).currentSlotItem.slot; Vec3 dropFace = slot.getLocation(0.5, 1, 0).project(slot.storageObject, model()); Vec3 pickFace = slot.getLocation(0.5, 0, 0).project(slot.storageObject, model());
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