
Zhun Z avatar image
Zhun Z asked Zhun Z commented

what is the purpose of tracked varialbe?

Hi, I am confused about the tracked varialbe, could someone tell me how to use the tracked varialbe, and how to bulid the connection between model and tracked varialbe. Thanks!

FlexSim 22.2.0
tracked variables
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1 Answer

Steven Hamoen avatar image
Steven Hamoen answered Zhun Z commented

@Zhun Z I would start with reading the manual: Tracked Variables ( and here FlexScript Class - TrackedVariable ( and if you have a question after when trying to use a tracked variable please come back.

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Zhun Z avatar image Zhun Z commented ·

Thanks for your reply. The mannual defines clearly about the Tracked variables, but I still want to learn about some typical cases about it , because i don't clearly understand how or when should use Tracked variables.

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann Zhun Z commented ·
I think the uses in default functions of FlexSim are good examples:

- You use TRs when you want to store information about the value's history, for example for how long it stayed at certain values (object states)

- TRs automatically calculated averages (content, staytime)

- They allow you to listen for changes to the value. So for example a Wait for Event activity in Process Flow can react to a TR's value reaching a threshold.

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Zhun Z avatar image Zhun Z Felix Möhlmann commented ·
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