
Afonso Silva avatar image
Afonso Silva asked Logan Gold commented

Difficulty setting up Flexsimpy

I'm trying to understand the following steps about setting up Flexsimpy:


I need to know what should be done exactly because i have little experience with visual studio. So could someone tell me the exact steps to do this set up, so I undersand? It would be a great help to explain to me the "Open the FlexSimPy.sln solution in visual studio"

FlexSim 24.1.0
developmentflexsimpyvisual studio
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
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Jordan Johnson answered

Some of the resources we provide (such as FlexSimPy) are designed for an audience with some development experience. Considering your current level of experience, I would recommend a different path.

As @Jason Lightfoot points out, there are other ways you can work with FlexSim in Python:

  • You can call Python commands from a FlexSim model
  • You can launch FlexSim as a separate process with code like subprocess.Popen()
    • flexsim.exe [model path] [options]
    • "path/to/flexsim.exe" "path/to/model.fsm" /myflag 1
  • You can read command line values in FlexSim
    • if (commandlineparam("myflag") == "1") { do something }
  • You can read/write files in FlexSim.
    • It is common to write a file using Python and read that file in FlexSim.
  • You can run a script from the command line: /maintenance runscript /scriptpath "path/to/script.txt"
  • You can add code to the OnModelOpen trigger for a given model.

Maybe the above options will give you some ideas. It seems likely that you'll be able to accomplish your goal using those tools.

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