
guencale avatar image
guencale asked guencale commented

Queue StayTime always zero

ETEME_CENARIOINICIAL.fsmHello, in my project I want to measure the queue staytimes but it always gives 0. The input is measuring well but the output always gives 0 too and I think this is influencing it. The project has some warnings that we were never able to fix, we don't understand why, if you can also help, we would be grateful.

FlexSim 24.0.0
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered guencale commented

Let's go over the errors first.

- In "ReleaseVistoria" you typed in "Last Acquired". Whenever you see descriptive names like this in an activity field, you should assume that it is markup text from the code that is generated when the respective option is picked from the dropdown menu. Always use that menu that menu if you don't insert a valid FlexScript expression.


- "indexOf" use round brackets, not square ones. Square brackets are used whenever you access something at an indexed position (a value in an array, table or map). Functions use round brackets for their parameters.


To get the output and staytime to work correctly, move the truck back into the model before you give it a travel task when it was previously moved into another object.


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guencale avatar image guencale commented ·

Thanks a lot for the help.

The warnings and the error they gave have been corrected.

Since we are in this help, if you can help me define the loading time on the dockdoors, I put load and unload time but because of the speed it doesn't work, and I wanted 9 minutes of loading. The queues' average staytime was already a great help, but is there a way for me to display the time from the trucks entering gateIN to gateOUT?
Finally, how would it be possible for me to set working hours and work breaks, basically working from 8am to 12pm and from 1pm to 8pm.

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann guencale commented ·

- If you want a fixed load time, do not use anything that would depend on travel distances or speed. A delay task and a Move Object activity will let you set the load time exactly.

- A relatively simple Statistics Collector can do this. It listens for tokens entering the respective activities. The row is defined by the truck as the row value. When the first event happens, the row is created and the IN-time is filled in. On the second event the OUT-time (and an optional duration column) is updated.

- A simple, but mostly effective, approach would be to attach a time table to any persistent object in the model (the one in the attached model is an example with an arbitrary down interval). In the down and resume function, stop/resume all tokens in the Process Flow. New tokens/truck will still arrive and travel to the first parking area. The easy solution to stop this (if necessary) would be to simply not create any tokens during the down time.


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