
Q9284226 avatar image
Q9284226 asked Q9284226 commented

Finding the status of the queues and making comparisons

Scenario Assumption: The product must go through these three workstations. If all are completed, it will go to "finish," indicating the work is done. Otherwise, it will search for a workstation that can continue processing.

I tried using Model.find("Queue").Subnodes.length to find the queue with the least number of items (i.e., determining which among queue2, queue3, queue4 has the least items) as part of my model logic, but after attempting it, I still failed. Therefore, I am asking everyone if there are any ways to solve my problem.

FlexSim 23.0.15
queuesfinding comparison
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Q9284226 commented

method find() expects a valid unique name to return a reference or pointer to an object or node. If you want to explore more objects then put them into a group. Groups are structures that you can explore for several attributes at once.

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