
katerina-fratczak avatar image
katerina-fratczak asked Jeanette F edited

Problem with video recording 23.0.15


I have problem with video recorder in 23.0.15. Same as in this question:

Problem with video recorder - FlexSim Community

1. Is there any possibility to fix this bug already in my model in 23.0.15 (any script, which I can run...)?

2. In which version after 23.0.15 was this bug fixed?

Thank you in advance

FlexSim 23.0.15
video recorder
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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered Jeanette F edited

Hello @Katerina_Fratczak,

This is on the dev list and has not been fixed. The bug fix will not apply to 23.0 though. You would have to upgrade to the latest newest release or latest LTS release when it is fixed.

However, even though this is still listed as a bug it seems to be specific 23.0.14 and 15. When we tried it out on a few other versions we did not see the issue. Specifically we tried 23.1 and 24.0

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