
amandaprado avatar image
amandaprado asked Jeanette F commented

Behavior list

Doubt - Line 2B.fsmHello Everyone,
I am not understanding why my Line 2B is blocked the most time than others.
Lines 2A and 2B are equals and the Line 2A is not getting blocked the same way than 2B. I believe the reason for this be the list, because if you note in Process Flow do not appears a red token into List_2B as appears into the others list.

Could help me?
Please see attached model.

Thanks in advance.

FlexSim 24.1.0
doubt-line-2b.fsm (18.1 MiB)
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Jeanette F avatar image Jeanette F ♦♦ commented ·

Hi @amandaprado, was one of Felix Möhlmann's answers helpful? If so, please click the "Accept" button at the bottom of the one that best answers your question. Or if you still have questions, add a comment and we'll continue the conversation.

If we haven't heard back from you within 3 business days we'll auto-accept an answer, but you can always comment back to reopen your question.

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered amandaprado commented

Your sources create a token each time the content of a queue reaches/surpasses 12. This happens a different amount of times for the different queues. Compare the number of tokens in each section of the Process Flow: 2B only has 1 whereas 1A and 1B continually get more tokens the longer the simulation goes. This is because more tokens being present means that pulling the items can happen at the same time as a previous batch being transported. The next request for an AGV for that queue will thus be created earlier and the queue ends up being 'preferred' over others.

You should only create a fixed amount of tokens for each flow. How many will depend on how many simultaneous tasks per queue should be allowed.

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amandaprado avatar image amandaprado commented ·

Every 12 items that enter the queue creates a token in the PF, for lines 1A, there are 8 items, for line 1B, there are 6 items and for lines 2A and 2B there are 12 items.

Well, according to the logic, whenever the list accumulates these values mentioned above, the token advances in the logic and the AGV task begins, however with list 2B, the list is accumulating more items and they are not being pulled, as happens with the other lines. Note that the list reaches up to 24 items and does not pull.

I understand that I should pull it from the list and wait for the resource to be released for transportation.


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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann amandaprado commented ·
No, the event-triggered source creates a token each time the content of queue increases to the threshold. For 2B this only happens once, because when an AGV first picks up items, it has 24 items in it, so the queue content does not drop below 12 and the source doesn't trigger again.

If it was working as you describe, you wouldn't need to loop back the tokens.

To get one token for every 12 entries, make the event-triggered source listen to the queues' On Entry event and place a batch activity after it that collects the needed quantity and releases 1 token.
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amandaprado avatar image amandaprado commented ·

Thank you very much, Felix !

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