
Claire Krupp avatar image
Claire Krupp asked Jason Lightfoot edited

Variable slot sizes within a bay?

I want to model a Small Lot Market Area. Within any bay, the slots can vary in width and you might have 5 slots in Level 1 and 6 slots in Level 2, for example. I was playing around with the rack dimensions pop-out window and it allowed me to create some of these:




On Friday, it appeared that I could save the rack like this and open it up again with the changes still there, but this morning it reverts to a more uniform format every time I close the pop-out or hit Save.

Is this an allowed feature or not? If it is, what is the setting that allows the variable slots to "stick"?

If not, please add it to your wish-list.


FlexSim 24.1.0
storage slot
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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann commented ·

This is a supported feature. I can't be 100% sure what might cause the dimensions to revert. But in your last screenshot, the cursor is inside the "Slots Per Bay" field while no specific bay or level is selected. This means that the entered number will be applied to the entire rack when you click outside of the field or close the window. Could this be what is happening?

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Claire Krupp avatar image Claire Krupp Felix Möhlmann commented ·
I don't think so @Felix Möhlmann that last screenshot was just taken after I had added a 6th slot to the top level (by highlighting the whole level) but then I just moved the cursor before doing the screenshot.

The reversion/"change-all" seems to happen when I click in the outer diagram area after making a change, but It's not consistent and I can't figure out a pattern.

I will play around with it some more if I have time. (thankfully this is not an active customer project.) At least I know now that it should work!

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Claire Krupp avatar image Claire Krupp commented ·

@Felix Möhlmann Update: It seems to only be a problem with the "Slots per Bay" field. I can update individual slot widths, and those changes "stick", and can be saved and reopened as expected.

When I highlight a whole Level, change "Slots per Bay" and hit Enter, everything looks OK, but the Level is no longer highlighted...then when I click ANYWHERE else, it not only changes ALL levels to the new value, it also re-calculates the slot widths so that they are all evenly spread, so I lose all my other changes.

He is my test model if you want to reproduce: Small Lot Market Area FS24.1.0.fsm

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ Claire Krupp commented ·
This is expected - if you edit the slots per bay, how else would FlexSim know how to apportion the bay width to the slots?
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Claire Krupp avatar image Claire Krupp Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ commented ·
But I only want the change to be done to one Level. It changes all Levels and cancels other specific widths I have defined.
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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann Claire Krupp commented ·
Thank you for testing. It does seem like hitting enter is the issue. The slot selection is lost but the "Slots per Bay" field stays active. So when it subsequently loses focus the value is applied to the entire storage object.
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Claire Krupp avatar image Claire Krupp Felix Möhlmann commented ·
You are correct...if I don't use Enter, but make the change and click somewhere else, it works fine!
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Claire Krupp avatar image Claire Krupp commented ·
Is there also a way to switch off the "auto slot width adjustment" mechanism? Let's say I want all slots to be 2ft except for one at 3ft and one at 1ft. The 2ft widths are adjusted slightly every time I change an individual I keep having to readjust all the slots individually until I end up with the right widths on each. I know they all have to fit into the total Bay Width, but how about updating the Bay Width to be the sum of the new slot widths, instead of the other way around?
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
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Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

Claire we've noted this in our issue tracker with the hope that something can be improved. Thanks for pointing it out.

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Claire Krupp avatar image Claire Krupp commented ·
Thanks @Jason Lightfoot . Do you recommend I still raise the second request as a separate issue?
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ Claire Krupp commented ·

Is the second request to have the bay width update to the sum the slot widths? The problem with this would be that slot widths on other level would also need to be adjusted since the bay width applies to all levels of that bay. I expect the dev team will review the whole workflow of setting storage object dimensions to given values - hopefully using your examples.

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