It looks like Queue10a is stuck in the releasing state because at first the condition I have set in the Send to Port was false. Eventually the condition does become true, but Queue10a does not want to release the item to its designated output port. I'm guessing it's because Queue10a needs to recheck the condition for the particular item, but I'm not sure how to execute.
I have tried using ProcessFlow (EventTriggeredSource, Decide with the same condition, Move Object, Sink) and it works as intended, but the problem with this is the timing since I have other Objects with the same condition to send to port if the condition is met. When I have multiple objects checking the condition where they will send the item to designated port because for a second the condition is met. The Variable ends up with a value of -1 since two items were inputted into the system when there was only space for 1.
I guess what I'm wondering is how can I get the items in Queue10a to move by rechecking the condition for that particular item. I hope this makes sense.
Software Version = 23.0.2
Thank you,