
Abder23 avatar image
Abder23 asked Abder23 commented

Trigger Queue


I am trying to acheive this result: paletts are created in queue1 using a schedule, using process flow i want the operator to place a palett in queue2 only if there is paletts in queue1 and queue2 is idle. Is there a way to do it all in processflow by using trigger queue2?

Thank you



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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Abder23 commented

Event On Content change through or by value in Queue 2. Then a token gets created and a process can start.

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Abder23 avatar image Abder23 commented ·

hi Joerg,

I tried to trigger on "Decrease to or Through value" but it didn't start!

Could you please take a look at it?



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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann Abder23 commented ·

The Event-Triggered Source can only trigger when the content actually changes. As such, you need to create a single initial token to kickstart the process.


You can also remodel the flow so that the 'item-tokens' wait for the queue to become empty. The Wait for Event activity can let tokens through if the current value satisfies the condition in the moment the token enters.


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modelq-2.fsm (39.7 KiB)
Abder23 avatar image Abder23 Felix Möhlmann commented ·
Thant you so much Felix and Joerg!

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