
Keter avatar image
Keter asked Keter edited

Create token

Hello, I followed the Tutorial 1.1 to create a processflow. But I'm confused why the create token should link back to pull from the list in PF flow? Othwewise, the whole function will get stuck. There is a similar function as work generation in Basic AGV PF flow.

Btw, is it necessary to use create token function? Why I can't just link the pull from list to assign labels directly?

create token.PNG

FlexSim 22.1.4
create tokenpfflowwork generation
create-token.png (43.5 KiB)
tutorial11.fsm (168.6 KiB)
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered

@Keter, this the very first tutorial about Process Flow in FlexSim. You have to start with something. And developers want to present a different approach then they have done it for a 3D logic.

Task Creation is a repetitive process with a single token. Once a List entry got pulled next list entry can be pulled. If there is nothing to get pulled, this process waits.

Create a new token is a method to link one transport tasksequence with an item processing. You can reuse this token for further actions.

You do not have to create a token. You can do all even without process flow. But this is a tutorial about process flow. AND process flow depends on tokens. Then you should get to know that there are different ways to create tokens. That is a purpose of tutorials - to get an understanding of something. That is an expected behavior for standard people.

If you are familiar with scripting or programming you are free to use such knowledge to get what you want from within FlexSim. But if you start to understand FlexSim and gather some knowledge, you can take the path, which the developers have drawn for you.

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Keter avatar image Keter commented ·
Thanks for the help!
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