
Eddie avatar image
Eddie asked Felix Möhlmann answered

Basic AGV Process Flow Template - Token not arriving in "Item Pickup"

I've been following the FlexSim tutorial on Youtube titled "Dev Talk: AGV Templates in ProcessFlow." I've followed this tutorial in the past without any issues, but recently while trying to refresh my memory on it I've ran into an issue where a token isn't populating the "Item Pickup" sub-flow.

In the video he's waiting for a box to populate a queue and showing how the tokens travel in the process flow going through the "Main Control Loop" and "Work Generation" loop until a box shows up in the first queue. Once a box does show up in the queue, his simulation automatically creates a token inside the "Item Pickup" loop, but in my simulation nothing happens and I can't seem to figure out why the token isn't being created in my simulation to assign the CP.

Basic AGV Template Tutorial.fsm

FlexSim 23.2.2
agvprocess flowagv process flowcreate tokenagv template
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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann commented ·

Without seeing your model, we can't really do more than ask to check whether the connection between the Create Tokens activity and the subflow is correctly set up.


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Eddie avatar image Eddie Felix Möhlmann commented ·

Basic AGV Template Tutorial.fsm

Hi Felix, I've attached a copy of what I have.

It looks like I have it set up the same way that you have shown, so that doesn't seem to be the issue. It looks like the tokens are not leaving the "Get Item from Global List" but I'm unsure.

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

The items are not pushed to the list since they have nowhere to go. The queues don't have any output connections, nor is there any pull logic with a separate list that would cause the items to be send somewhere.

Your Process Flow is correct, just connect the queues to the sinks and your model should work.

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