
Martin C3 avatar image
Martin C3 asked Martin C3 commented

Error when transporting multiple items in an AGV trailer

I am working on a model that requires multiple flowitems to be transported in a trailer. After the items are placed in the trailer, it is picked up by an AGV and taken to its destination. Loading and picking up the flowitems seems to work, however this then produces the error : "invalid node insert_bareBones command" which is followed by many other exceptions.
I have been able to isolate the issue at the "Move Object" activity that places the flowitems in the trailer. The error does not occur when only one item is moved to the trailer. However, when multiple items from a batch-array are moved the error does occur.

I have attached a simplified model that does not exactly replicate the error, but shows similar behaviour.

How can this error be resolved or is there an alternative solution to this problem?

Any help would be greatly appreciated


FlexSim 18.0.8
agvprocess flowerror messagetrailer
x-agv-error.fsm (32.8 KiB)
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1 Answer

Ralf Gruber avatar image
Ralf Gruber answered Martin C3 commented


it appears, the error is caused by the creation of the pallet as trailer not being finished, before starting to load it. Simply put a Delay activity with delay time zero right after your Create Object activity.

That creates an additional event and that way makes sure, the creation of the pallet is completed before you start to load it.

There are certain situations in process flow, where you have to apply this "trick" to make sure, an event is fully finished before the next one starts. Notice that the additional activity does not add any time to the model, just an event with zero time.

Best wishes



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