
happyboy avatar image
happyboy asked Joerg Vogel answered

After resetting the model, the fluidtank disappears directly


在将 fluidtank 用作实体对象后,我想实现此逻辑。首先,将液罐放置在位置 Queue1(此时我已经关闭了它的输入)。当流体管道的容量增加到指定值时,AGV车将流体罐输送到指定位置并恢复其输入。然后,当它的容量达到一定值时,它的输入被关闭,并通过AGV和起重机输送到其他位置进行输出。我已经实现了使用流程转到指定位置并打开输入端口的操作,但是我被困在监听事件容量的变化。我应该如何进行?



每当我重置模型时,我原来的 fluidbank 都会直接消失。我应该如何调整。

附上我的模型,希望尽快收到专家的解答fluidtank.fsm@Felix Möhlmann

FlexSim 24.0.2
processflowfluid object
1719404276599.png (817.7 KiB)
1719404319249.png (915.9 KiB)
fluidtank.fsm (42.2 KiB)
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered

Any object inside a queue is destroyed on Reset event.

I tested it with an later inserted basic fixed resource object. I set it as an subtree node in object Queue2. I hit reset button and this object get destroyed, too. If I set the Fluid tank being a node in model space up property, then this object stays in your model.

I designated your fluid tank as a selected object. so()


so().as(Object).up = model();

This transfers your tank from sub treenode of Queue2 into the model back. After hitting reset the tank stays in model.

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