
kitkat87 avatar image
kitkat87 asked Jeanette F commented

Processor manual assist by operator in daily basis

Hi all expert,

I had group of processor, each of them have range of percentage for daily manual assist(scheduled down) by operator

For an example:

Processor A will have random 6-10% manual assist by operator on daily basis

Processor B will have random 3-7% manual assist by operator on daily basis

Processor C will have random 1-5% manual assist by operator on daily basis

May I know which function that should I use? I tried MTBF but unable to get the results that I want


FlexSim 23.2.0
randomscheduled downmachineequipmentmanual assist
· 2
5 |100000

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann commented ·

What about the MTBF did not work out? It features an option for the "Down Function" to call an operator to the affected object who then 'repairs' the machine for the duration determined in the Down Time field.


You would have to choose fitting distributions to arrive at the down time percentages mentioned in your post. Which ones to use specifically you will have to determine yourself based on the breakdown profile (many short failures, few long failures) you want to achieve.

You could also pre-determine the downtimes at the start of each day to fall within the mentioned ranges. For example in a regular user event that writes the values to a global table. The MTBF would then read those values instead of determining its own random values.

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Jeanette F avatar image Jeanette F ♦♦ commented ·

Hi @kitkat87,

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