
Tamilselvan avatar image
Tamilselvan asked Jason Lightfoot edited

Access token label in Resource Node

Is there is any to access the token label in resource node, without directly Mapping it in resource

Eg : Without using Model.find("OP_1") it need to use token.operator in resource or suggest some alternate

FlexSim 23.1.1
processs flow
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

A Process Flow resource represents a static set of objects (or in the case of not using a reference to 3d objects, a static number of virtual resources). The "Reference" field is only evaluated on model reset.


If you want to acquire a specific object from the set then this is specified in the "Query/Object/Array" field of the Acquire activity. As the name suggests, you can enter a query that might filter and/or sort the resource objects. You can reference a single object to acquire. Or you can pass in an array of eligible objects.


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