
Leah R avatar image
Leah R asked Joerg Vogel commented

Building process flow based on database

Hello !

I was wondering if it was possible to automatically build a process flow based on a database using flexsim healthcare.

Let's assume my database looks like this :


Table #1 describes the pathway timestamps. It has 3 columns : patient ID, timestamp type (example : TA = patient enters the service), and time.

Table #2 describes the pathway activities. It has 4 columns : patient ID, activity type (example : AB = prepare patient for surgery), duration, resource (example : HR_AB = OR nurse).

Can I create a patient process in flexsim that allows me to simulate what is described in this table ? This would allow me to have great flexibility in my model as patient process can evolve over time.

This is kind of similar to process mining which allows you to automatically draw processes based on a timestamp database.

Thanks in advance,


FlexSim 23.2.1
patient flow
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1 Answer

Allister Wilson avatar image
Allister Wilson answered

Hello Leah,

If you can precisely define what a "process step" implies, then you could build a patient flow which :

  • iterates over the first table, one step at a time
  • waits until the correct time
  • reads the second table to determine what must be done
  • acquires any necessary resources for the step, then releases any resources still held from the previous step if needed
  • performs the process

I suggest you take a look at the Table class (user manual) if you're unsure how to read information from a table inside a process flow.

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