
Abhay Bajpai avatar image
Abhay Bajpai asked Felix Möhlmann answered

Statistics collector to calculate Cycle Time in the process by Type


I have to processes in the Process flow, namely, 'Other Cabinet Assembly', and 'Pantry Assembly'.

I want to measure and plot the amount of time each token in both process flow spend. Eventually i wish to plot them by ModelID (check the source table in Arrival Schedule).

But my main issue is that i am not able to update the 'Cycle Time in Process' using Statistics Collector. I believe this is happening because I am not able to extract the 'End Time' correctly.


Cabinet Assembly Simulation_17_autosave.fsm

statistic collector
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Abhay Bajpai commented

Having the Statistics Collector listen to two separate activities won't work here because due to the Batch activities, not all tokens arrive at the end of the flow. You can instead write the start time to a label on the token and use that to calculate the process time when the token is done.


I am not sure why you set the row values to the cabinet type. That way there would only exist a single row per cabinet type. Since you want to collect information about the staytime of each token it makes much more sense to use the token as the row value.

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