
olivier T avatar image
olivier T asked olivier T commented

How to get entry and exit time from a processor with statistic collector ?


I would like to get the entry and exit time from a processor using statistic collector
I tried with the

manual but it didn,t work

FlexSim 18.1.1
statistic collectorevent listdata recording
trest-2-2.fsm (148.1 KiB)
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Clair A avatar image
Clair A answered olivier T commented

Hi @olivier T,

Please find attached a sample model (entry-and-exit-times-for-1-processor.fsm):

The Statistics Collector listens to 2 events on the Processor:

For both events, I renamed the label name of the entering / exiting simply as item:

This label name is then used in the Data Recording tab to create unique rows for each item:

The Object and EntryTime columns are updated when a new row is added in the statistic collector:

And the ExitTime column is updated by event dependency:

This column's data is updated only when On Exit is fired:

As a bonus, I attach another sample model (entry-and-exit-times-for-a-group-of-processors.fsm) if you want to to track the entry and exit times for a group of processors:

Hope this helps.

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