
alan.zhang avatar image
alan.zhang asked alan.zhang commented

OnRunStop when empty event list

Is there any way to fire some code if the simulation stops when the event list is empty?

I found that I could not achieve this by writing the code in OnRunStop.

In the attached very simple model, the simulation will stop at time 10 due to no events. I put code in the OnRunStop to display a message box. If I click Stop button to stop the simulation, OnRunStop will be called. But if I let simulation run to time 10 to stop because of no events, OnRunStop will not be called.

FlexSim 17.0.2
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Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered alan.zhang commented

If you are going to poll to see if the event list is empty, then you can do it with a single User Event with the following code:

  1. if(eventqty() == 0) {
  2. msg("Model Stopped","Ran Out Of Events");
  3. stop();
  4. } else {
  5. delayednodefunction(c, eventget(eventqty(), 2) - time());
  6. }

See the attached model emptyeventlist-pb1.fsm

As Mischa mentioned, if you have repeating events, then this method of checking the event list's size won't ever stop the model, because you will constantly have more events.

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Mischa Spelt avatar image
Mischa Spelt answered alan.zhang commented

Though I understand FlexSim's reasoning of why the Run Stop event should not fire, as per @phil.bobo's answer, I also see where @alan.zhang's question is coming from. A typical model that would have this behavior is where you have for example a finite arrival schedule of orders and you just want to run the model until all orders have been processed. Depending on what you want to do, you can, for example

  • Put an On Entry trigger on the final Sink in the model, and call the stop(0) command from there (I think there is even a "stop the model" option in the dropdown) once you detect that the sink's input is equal to the number of items to be processed in the model.
  • Do what you wanted to do in the Run Stop somewhere else. For example, if you want to use the Run Stop to log the total time that your model has run to a global variable, you can also consider logging it every time an item enters the Sink. By overwriting the variable each time, at the end of the replication, you will have the last entry time in your global variable.

It would sometimes be nice to have some way to make the model stop as soon as it "naturally" runs out of events and you are always free to post an Idea on this site about it. For example, I sometimes build a stop(0) command into the model somewhere, then when I run the Experimenter I log "time()" as a PFM.

Note that such a solution would still not cover other common cases. A common issue is that some "old" graphs or repeating user events keep on generating periodic events even when nothing interesting is happening in the model anymore, and for these models you would still have to build in a stop condition manually.

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Jeff Nordgren avatar image
Jeff Nordgren answered alan.zhang commented

@Alan Zhang

Attached is a sample model of the way I would handle something like you're describing.

I create a User Event that fires just once. And set the time to be something far beyond what the model will ever run. Then I create a User Command that checks for the number of events in the event list. In the Source, in the OnReset trigger, I set a message back to the Source which calls the User Command in the OnMessage trigger.

So, when the Source calls the User Command, it will check for the number of events in the list. If there are <= 1, the model will display a message and stop. If not, it will call the OnMessage trigger of the Source again. You just need to specify the duration between calls to the Source's OnMessage trigger.

Would something like this work for you?


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