
Borja Lorenzo avatar image
Borja Lorenzo asked Felix Möhlmann commented

How to get subnodes with different token, in a transport (TE)

I would know how to get to subondes into a transporter (resource).

In this case the transporter is a forklift:


I would like to use only the Unload activity, but the items contained in the forklift have different tokens. One is 'token.pulled', which comes from a list, and the other is 'token.item', which comes from the Create Object activity (previous activity).


I don't know how to get these subnodes.

token.resource.subnodes.length doesn't work.

Thaks in advantace for your help

transportersubnodesunload different items
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Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered Felix Möhlmann commented

I don't understand what's the issue here. You have references to two different items in two different labels. So use two Unload activities and put a different label in each or place the Unload activity into a Subflow and call that two times with a Run Sub Flow activity, passing a different item to the sub flow token each time.

I guess building a loop with a Decide activity would also be possible: Check if there is a subnode in the transporter (token.resource.subnodes.length > 0). If so, unload the first subnode (token.resource.first). If not, send the token to different connections to continue the flow.

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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Borja Lorenzo commented

A: you append each element of an array by loop structure to a new empty array by source code snippets in process flow or writes a complete source code.append-values-as-flatten-array.jpg

B: you push your arrays and single value references onto a list. Then all array values occure as single values in this list. You can pull the complete list entries and you get an array of entries.

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