
Patrick Cloutier avatar image
Patrick Cloutier asked Jason Lightfoot answered

Unknown exception message

I have a model that gives me this message in the System Console when I press Reset but not everytime:

exception: int TreeNodeExtraData::clearList() #2

It doesn't seem to affect the simulation.

Any ideas what this could be about?

I won't attach the model yet because it's not an issue yet. I was wondering if someone has an idea of what this could mean. Thanks.

FlexSim 24.1.1
exception error
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered

It's best to diagnose these things and not let them persist - you don't know what the knock-on effects might be.

Start by figuring out where in reset cycle/tree it's happening - you can do that by adding Parameter OnSet that prints to the system console, a Model triggers that does the same, along with prints from the first and last objects in the model tree. You can also call function_s(<object>,"OnReset") to see if that triggers the same exception.

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