
jing.c avatar image
jing.c asked jing.c commented

ProcessFlow can not work with exception

Works well in 3d-view, but it will show exception continuously like pic below and the activity can not show correctly.

Operating system is Windows10 64bit

FlexSim 18.2.0
process flowexception error
cap.png (58.9 KiB)
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1 Answer

Ben Wilson avatar image
Ben Wilson answered jing.c commented

Hi @jing.chen,

Usually an issue with drawing something has to do with your graphics, so the first thing to do would be to check the solutions listed in this graphics article.

There is also the chance there is some other problem. For your error, where it looks like a DLL issue, I would check the solutions listed in this installation and startup article. There you'll find suggestions for updating Windows, updating your .NET installation, running the software as admin, etc. Any of these could be the answer.

There is also the chance that reinstalling a required component could fix the error, such as the Visual C++ Runtime. Perhaps reinstalling could fix some errors.

This answer points to a patch that allows DLLs to load properly, but this is actually a Windows 7 patch, so it wouldn't apply to your Windows 10 installation (but nice to include it here for others who might have similar issues :).

Anyway, there are a lot of suggestions. Try those out and let us know what worked, or any new info that you discover in the process.

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