
Abdelrahman Mohamed avatar image
Abdelrahman Mohamed asked Abdelrahman Mohamed commented

Gas Station simulation

I want to simulate a gas station including dispensers, canopy, traffic lines for the cars
I need ideas for the simulation how could it be done

FlexSim 22.2.0
simulationgas station
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered Abdelrahman Mohamed commented

A simple AGV network might be a good idea to control the travel of vehicles, since it will handle most of the queue logic by itself.

I would use a Process Flow to create the vehicles, have them pull an available pump from a list and then travel there. After a delay (filling process) they move on and vanish in a sink.


· 6
5 |100000

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Abdelrahman Mohamed avatar image Abdelrahman Mohamed commented ·

Thank you, but the version can't opened as it is new version can you just send me screenshot

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann Abdelrahman Mohamed commented ·

I can, but to properly convey all settings would need a whole album.


You can always download the latest version from the FlexSim website and run it without a license (Express version). You will be limited to what changes you can make but should be able to see all settings and run the model.

Or you tell me which version you are using and I try to copy the model over into that version (and next time please take care to select the correct version you are using when posting a question).

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capture1.png (135.5 KiB)
Abdelrahman Mohamed avatar image Abdelrahman Mohamed Felix Möhlmann commented ·

Okay I will do this and update you
Thank you

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