
LaurenK avatar image
LaurenK asked Jason Lightfoot edited

Operator delay and then remove box from rack once space is full?

Hi Team,

Looking for a bit of help. I am hoping to show in my model items coming down off the conveyor, the operator travel to the conveyor, pause for a delay. This should simulate the operator taking items out of a box and scanning them, then taking the box and placing it into an assigned spot on the rack. If the box does not match anything in the rack, the operator should take the item to the Sink. Ideally, I'd like to have them take it to another conveyor to be pushed into a second zone but I'd like to get the first rack perfect before adding a second.

In my model so far I have: an operator taking the box from the conveyor and placing it on to the rack. I used paint slot labels to simulate an order specified location for the time being. I can change the box to a tote which would be ideal, but I'd need to place up to smaller boxes in one tote. Each box has the potential to be a different color. After the slot location is full (order is finished) the operator should take the box and place it back on the conveyor belt. Maybe I should have totes pre-filled in the bay and take from one tote on the conveyor, and place that box in another tote?

Any questions let me know, I've attached what I have so far.


CB - Model 1_autosave.fsm

FlexSim 24.1.0
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

Please pay attention to the exception messages you are getting in the compiler console. You are missing the correct TASKTYPE macros: TASKTYPE_DELAY, TASKTYPE_TRAVEL, TASKTYPE_LOAD, TASKTYPE_UNLOAD.

However you should probably be sending the box to the exit transfer if it is the correct order and using the exit transfer transport trigger to create the custom task sequence rather than doing it on entry to the conveyor - then you can also have a reference to the dispatcher using a centerport connection or label and a reference to the rack based on the port connection (both of which you are missing in your example).

You could also consider using a process flow instead of triggers alone.

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LaurenK avatar image LaurenK commented ·

Thanks, Jason. I'm pretty new to the software so I appreciate the direction. I didn't notice the exception messages and am unsure of what those errors can indicate. Are you able to provide any additional information or can I find those in the tutorials? Happy to do extra research on my side, I was trying to look through some YouTube Videos but was struggling creating a decision point which I think might be helpful with your suggestion?

I did attempt a process flow, but it seemed like I would also need a people flow as well to get my operator involved. Is that a correct hunch?

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ LaurenK commented ·

You can just give task/sequences to operators in a process flow without using the People aspect.

For your code I would refer to task sequence concepts in the manual and do the online tutorials which may allow you to understand how to implement your model without the need to add such custom code.

Yes a decision point on a conveyor would allow you to send the part to an exit transfer.

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