
TiredStudent avatar image
TiredStudent asked TiredStudent commented

Need guidance why tote and item cannot separate at decision point

FINALV3.fsmHi there,
I would like to seek guidance on why after I have separated the Tote and my item, both of them bypass the decision making I have set where only the Tote should return back to the rack and the item should continue the conveyor and exit to a sink.

I have tried changing the type to SubType and even putting the decision point to read SubType to 201 and 301 but to no avail......

FlexSim 24.2.0
decision pointsseperatorlabel array
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Jesús Evangelista avatar image
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Jesús Evangelista answered TiredStudent commented


I think I got what you need.

First, I moved a little your Desition Points, I think this was not the error, but prefer to have them visually organized. Then I changed the trigger on the first desition point, to evaluate the label SubType instead of Type.

I also added a trigger on the tote rack to give them, since the beggining, a value of 4 in the label SubType, so they take the right way to the queue, based on the trigger on the first desition point.


Please tell me if it helped you!

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TiredStudent avatar image TiredStudent commented ·

Thank you so much! I have learn a new thing on how to better utilise SubType variable!

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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered

Please tidy up your conveyor and remove exit transfers. You need them if items must leave a conveyor system.If they stay, then there are conveyor transfers.


You need a condition that distinguish between parts and totes. I think of number of labels or label subnodes like


as a condition to divert items to an outobject connection to a decision point.

tideid-conveyor.jpg (74.9 KiB)
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