
KHAIRUL MUAZ avatar image
KHAIRUL MUAZ asked Joerg Vogel commented

Adding Rework and Reject Percentage

In the attached model, I want to implement a rework and reject rate. When the items enter LC1, they will be assigned a token as INC, which will be carried through each process until they reach the CL1 processor. At CL1, 70% of the items will change their INC token to REP, which will allow them to continue with their next step. 20% of the items will be changed to the RW token, which is rework; if they are assigned the RW token, they will move back to where they were assigned the INC token previously, and RW token items will be prioritized first. When the items with the RW token reach CH1, their token will change to REP, and they will proceed with the next step. Another 10% will change to REJ, which is reject, and they will be pushed straight to LC2 and sent out of the system. The same distribution will be implemented at CH3, where it will be divided into 70%, 20%, and 10%, similar to at CH1, but the RW items at CH3 will undergo rework from the processor after CH1.


FlexSim 19.1.2
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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·

@KHAIRUL MUAZ, I am sorry, what is your question? You want to identify RW and REJ marked items, then you can set values at item labels before or while you let them process. I would set value smart in a way that they match by value to output port numbers to send them directly in a flow. Additionally I would record a history to distinguish steps of RW and REJ of items while they are in your processing steps.

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