
Gasser Y avatar image
Gasser Y asked Gasser Y commented

How to use the percentage option ?? How to build an inspection workstation ??

Good evening everybody,

Please, I need a detailed steps of the following, your help is highly highly appreciated:

Is there any item that make the work of an inspection station?? Or in other words, how to modify the options of a "processor" using a percentage, that 90% of the inputs are defects-free and shall continue in Path1 of the assembly line, while the 10% remaining are parts-defective, and shall continue in a different path (for a rework station or something), then later the product joins back Path1 of the assembly line, and continues processing from a certain workstation ??

I hope you got my idea. Thank you so much in advance.

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Rodrigo Lamas avatar image
Rodrigo Lamas answered Gasser Y commented

@Gasser Y You can use the processor object to do these steps, see the example below


Using the Process Flow Tab Send to Port / Random / By Percentage / according the picture

I hope that this information can be helpfull! Regards.

flow.png (31.7 KiB)
model.png (81.0 KiB)
rework-example.fsm (19.7 KiB)
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Sebastian Hemmann avatar image
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Sebastian Hemmann answered Gasser Y commented

@Gasser Y With port in the "Send to Port" Strategy FlexSim assignes the Output port of the actual object. So with adding "A" Connections you can refer directly to another object.

To find out what port ist connected to what object you can either follow the Connection, press the "V" Button (for Inputs and Outputs, "C" for Centerports) and click on an object, or have a look in the Generals Tab of the GUI.

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