
Doris C avatar image
Doris C asked Doris C commented

process flow logic error


I tried making the model again by applying the model I tested before.

But it didn't work out.

The way I want to do it is logic that two TASK EXECUTERS pass through in CP140 and then two TASK EXECUTERS pass through in CP141 and repeat it.

The shape of the process flow I applied is shown in the following picture.


I think there is a problem with PUSH TO LIST painted yellow.

I uploaded the current model together, so I would appreciate it if you could ripple the revised model and explanation together.

thank you


FlexSim 24.2.0
task executerprocesss flowlogic
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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·

@Doris C, can you provide where your decisions are made in your process? It is really hard to analyze a model in a foreign character language. Thank you.

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Doris C avatar image Doris C Joerg Vogel commented ·

First of all, I'll explain how I want to implement it.

This is the image of two TASK EXECUTERS passing through CP140 first and then two TASK EXECUTERS passing through CP141. In this case, when TASK EXECUTERS pass through one CP, the opposite TASK EXECUTERS should not pass.

EX) TASK EXECUTER shall not pass from CP141 after 1 TASK EXECUTER has passed from CP140.

In addition, the process flow logic point of that point is shown in the picture below.


If there is any lack of explanation, please reply.

And I'm attaching the model again.


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1722580864598.png (143.7 KiB)
test-model-v2.fsm (154.9 KiB)

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