
Doris C avatar image
Doris C asked Doris C commented

To modify a logics


I want to change the logic

I understand that the logic I understand signals the task executor when the item is ready to load

After that, the task executor comes to the loading position and loads the item.

But the logic I want is that the item does not signal to the task executor, but that the task executor moves to the loading position in advance.

The loading location is 2 locations. It is where process 2 and process 1 are located. And in process 2, 1 item is loaded, and in process 1, 2 items are loaded. At this time, only one item can be loaded in task executor

For process flow, I want to complete the logic using only one group.


In process 1 and process 2, when there is no task executor waiting at the loading position after loading the item, I would like to see that the task executor first supplies it to process 2 and then waits for process 1.

In this case, all task execers are tied to one group and I want to try to create logic with process flow.

I don't know what's wrong with the logic I made.

Thank you.


FlexSim 24.2.0
processs flowlogictaskexecutors
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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·
It gets a bit complicated to send a vehicle to a destination, if an item is not existing in your model. Your logic depends on an entry in a list. At model start this list is empty. And when an item is created it gets without any delay to a control point. And a vehicle should wait there already. How to accomplish this without any necessary travel time?
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Doris C avatar image Doris C Joerg Vogel commented ·

Thank you for your response.

I learned another one this time.

Thank you.

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ Doris C commented ·
@Doris C is your issue resolved now?
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1 Answer

Logan Gold avatar image
Logan Gold answered Doris C commented

Here's an example of how you could do it (test-model_FS1.fsm).

The biggest thing is I moved the Acquire Resource activities to happen before the Pull from List activities. That way you acquire an AGV and have it travel to a Processor before trying to pull an item.

I also changed the Pull from List for Processor1 to pull 2 items, and then use Sub Flows to load and unload both items when those things are supposed to happen.

I also wanted to make it so each Processor would acquire the closest AGV, which can be done with a Query in the Acquire activities. The distance field that is being used in the Queries doesn't work when tokens are the pullers (like in this case), so I went into the Resource's properties and modified the distance field to look at puller.Processor, which is a label I set up in the Sources.

And finally, I set the Control Points connected to the Processors to have Max Allocations of 2 so AGVs can pass by each other when one is waiting at a Processor. This can be adjusted if needed.

test-model-fs1.fsm (108.2 KiB)
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Doris C avatar image Doris C commented ·

Your answer was very helpful in solving the problem, thank you.

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