
Doris C avatar image
Doris C asked Felix Möhlmann commented



I've been conducting simulations under the conditions below, but I can't go any further.

The reason is that I don't know how to control it. I would appreciate it if you could share and let me know how.

A ZONE,B ZONE : Integration Prerequisites The TASK EXECUTER in Zone A,B continues to move the outside path without stopping except loading and unloading to check if there are any items to load.

First, The order of work in Zone A is as follows


A1 : ITEM is released every 240 seconds

A2: Supply the ITEM of A1 to the A2 SINK and after 90 seconds the ITEM to be supplied to A3 is produced. (The ITEM to A2→A3 is produced using Triggers)

A3: Supply the ITEM of A2 to the A3 SINK and after 90 seconds the ITEM to be supplied to the A4 is produced. (The ITEM to the A3→A4 is produced using Triggers)

A4: Supply the ITEM of A3 to the A4 SINK and after 100 seconds the ITEM to be supplied to the A5 is produced. (The ITEM to the A4→A5 is produced using Triggers)

A5: Supply the ITEM of A4 to the A5 SINK and after 100 seconds the ITEM to be supplied to the A6 is produced. (The ITEM to the A5→A6 is produced using Triggers)

A6: Supply the ITEM of the A5 to the A6 SINK and produce the ITEM to be supplied to the A7 after 90 seconds. (The ITEM to the A6→A7 is produced using Triggers)

A7: A6's ITEM is supplied to A7 SINK and one cycle is completed

The peculiarity of area A is that it is a defective product with a 20% probability at each station A2, A3, A4, and A5, and you have to unload it to B6 after loading. After that, you can return to area A and move the outside route until the next WORK.

The workflow of Area B is similar.


B1 : ITEM is released every 40 seconds

B2: Supply the ITEM of B1 to the B2 SINK and after 20 seconds the ITEM to be supplied to A3 is produced. (The ITEM to B2→B3 is produced using Triggers)

B3: Supply the ITEM of B2 to the B3 SINK and after 60 seconds the ITEM to be supplied to the B4 is produced. (The ITEM to the B3→B4 is produced using Triggers)

B4: Supply the ITEM of B3 to the B4 SINK and after 60 seconds the ITEM to be supplied to the B5 is produced. (The ITEM to the B4→B5 is produced using Triggers)

B5: B4 Of ITEM is supplied to B5 SINK and one cycle is completed

Should I use process flow or is it good to apply a different control method?



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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered Felix Möhlmann commented

This seems to be the exact use case the AGV Process Flow templates are made for (patrolling along a route, picking up any goods that need to be moved along the way).

You can use port connections and the Send to Port and Use Transport properties of the processors to push the items to the AGV work list (see attached model). Or you do so in triggers or Process Flow. That is mostly up to personal preference.


In the attached model I only implemented the logic in Zone A. This means that AGVs moving over to Zone B to discard faulty products will get stuck there behind the waiting AGVs of that area currently.

Is there a particular reason why you send the items to the sink and create a new one after a time at the stations, instead of simply using a single processor that works on the item for that time and then releases it to the next station?

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Doris C avatar image Doris C commented ·

The reason why I worked like this was because it was the best implementation that I could do in a way that I knew.

I wanted to show the area that the item reloads after completing the process.

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Doris C avatar image Doris C Doris C commented ·

First of all, thank you very much for solving the problem thanks to your answer.

I have one more question.

TASK EXECUTER from AZONE to BZONE to unloading after loading the defective product Suppose you arrive at 2F (SECOND FLOOR) after boarding the lift to return to the AZONE.

At this time, another TASK EXECUTER from AZONE loads the defective product and arrives at 2F(SECOND FLOWER) with a lift to move to BZONE, causing an error with two TASK EXECUTERS facing each other in 2F(SECOND FLOWER). What is the solution in this case?


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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann Doris C commented ·
Placing a control area around the upper path that limits it to one AGV at a time should work. Make sure you place it at the same height as the control points (z = 800).
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