
WillRS avatar image
WillRS asked WillRS commented

How can I prioritize loading in a task executer?


The attached model represents the sugar cane process.

I would like the TE "Transbordo" unload the items into the same "Treminhao" that is already loading, before starting to fill a new "Treminhao".

I thought about making a logic of pulling the train from a TE list, but I couldn't do it.

Can someone help me?

Novo modelo Cana_v2_FlexSim23.2_Teste Prioridade Treminhao.fsm

FlexSim 23.2.1
proces flowtaskexecutorsusing lists
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1 Answer

Matheus Coelho avatar image
Matheus Coelho answered WillRS commented

Hi, Will. To solve your problem, you can use a list instead using a acquire resource for "Treminhao", and use a order by to choose the fullest load "Treminhao". And I add a label "disponivel" for a pull from list do not choose a "Treminhao" already full. I did those ajusts in your model.


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